(Download) "Two Trees of Destiny" by Louis J. Keroack # Book PDF Kindle ePub Free
eBook details
- Title: Two Trees of Destiny
- Author : Louis J. Keroack
- Release Date : January 24, 2012
- Genre: Religion & Spirituality,Books,
- Pages : * pages
- Size : 560 KB
Louis K. Keroack, born and reared in Berlin, New Hampshire, in the Androscoggin Valley, attended local schools, worked as a machinist, earned his pilots
license through CA P, then, in 1942, joined the Army Air Force, in which he served for four years as an electrical specialist and as a glider pilot. After
the war he took hi B.S. in mechanical engineering at the University of New Hampshire, Maine, and California. Becoming interested in education and
philosophy, he attended Boston State College at night, and received his M.S. in education meanwhile working at Wentworth Institute as an associate
professor, teaching machine and tool design, kinematics and drafting. Illness in the family took him back to northern New Hampshire, where he taught
mathematics and science in a rural school. Presently he is an associate professor in a junior college. Always sports-mindedhe had been a member of hockey,
baseball, and ski teams at schoolhe numbers skiing and golf among his hobbies, which also include hunting, trapping, and the lapidary art. His travels
have been extensivein this country, Canada, and Europe, and he has also visited Mexico and Bermuda.